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The Art of Leaf-whistling:
Finding the Extraordinary out of the Ordinary

Text: Heidy Lau, Ella Leung

Images: Jacky Lau  Interviewer: Ada Tong

       "Whistle through the myriad of different things and let be like itself, each taking all that is appropriate to each- but who is there to blow them?"
in Treatise on Making All Things Equal, Zhuangzi.

      In a monumental work by ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zhou (Zhuangzi) some 2,300 years ago, sage Nanguo Ziqi expressed that pipes of earth being wind whistling through infinite forms of crevices on the ground, pipes of man those through performances of flutes, while that pipes of heaven, wind itself triggering all hums, is silent. For air whistling through pipes, many imagine flutes, harmonicas, or trumpets. Few would instantly expect a too-ordinary leaf, one margin gently attached to both lips, can possibly generate alluring tones with copious temperament. In a recent interview with Mr. Larry Lai, a lecturer in nursery education and an enthusiastic leaf-flautist, allowed us to gain a glimpse on glamour of this easy-going musical instrument.

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        While flutes made of thick bones or some archaeologically preservable material owe deep roots of over 40,000 years, origins of leaf flute, or leaf whistle, might at least be as old, yet not as traceable. Perhaps in our eyes of modern civilians, leaf flutes may be more of a musical instrument, yet for generations more of a tool for communication, in circumstances such as gathering kids back home for meals, or exchanging regards between sweethearts. Till now through media of television broadcast or movies one may encounter pleasing leaf flute performances. The instrument has indeed been prevalent among students in Guizhou and Chongqing, China, and also in Taiwan and elsewhere in Australia.

       Acoustic principles of leaf flute are no rocket science. Blowing air through a vibrating leaf, pitch produced can be altered by adjusting blowing strength, which controllable via mouth postures. However, prior to start with whistling, one select the tool with care. Live leaves give a mellow and full tone, while those of PVC plastic comparatively mild. For new-learners both broad or slightly thick fresh leaves, and those of plastic are more user-friendly. Gripping the leaf on both ends, lightly rolling up a side edge and attach between both lips, one can deliver a tone by blowing. Perhaps not as perfectly sweet at first, tone can be adjusted with practice. A fully recognizable melody takes brick-by-brick effort. Besides, freshness of authentic leaves affects richness of tones, and regular replacement is necessary.


       Practicing music can be edifying, and living without as a refining touch can be a loss. As a teacher in nursery education, rather than “hard-selling” environmental aspects, why not invite everybody hands-on handling leaves? Differing leaf textures giving a hue of tones can also be a highlight of chances in contact with nature. Through first-hand observations one may detect bite marks, curious about some feeding insects, or further understand ecology and the woodland environment piece by piece. In training young to-be-teachers, appreciation of the nature is often encouraged.

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        The art of leaf flute is cosmopolitan, diverging in styles and popularity, in Japan over one hundred groups of the theme established, and in Taiwan, the skill was introduced to nursing homes, in which elders practicing for strengthening heart and respiratory functions, as well means of emotional expressions. As for future developments locally in Hong Kong, Lai believes which depends on consciousness on conserving intangible cultural heritage. So far the art being relatively popular with limited obstacles, the trend hence optimistic and anticipated.


        Travelling through voids of all kinds cultivating endless combinations of vibrant, the force behind remains so mute. To attain an unfettered, peaceful state, setting impatience and trouble aside, as wisdom from ancient classics had led, one may not need a fortune, nor even words, but a playful heart, maybe some appreciation for tones, and an all-too-ordinary slice of leaf.

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